Next date: Wednesday, 22 October 2025 | 07:00 PM
to 08:00 PM
Renowned Gunditjmara/Kokatha Songman, David Arden is celebrated for his powerful storytelling through music, which honours and preserves First Nations culture and history.
With a career spanning three decades, David has been a prominent figure in the First Nations music industry and his heartfelt songs and collaborations have left an indelible mark on the Australian music scene.
His performances blend rich traditions with contemporary expression, offering audiences a profound connection to the stories and spirit of First Nations peoples. David’s music is inspired by all those who have gone before on this ancestral land, along his with own life experiences, to help audiences understand past injustices and promote cultural understanding.
David was the front man for the Koori Youth Band and has worked with many of the great First Nation acts from Hard Time Band/Altogether Band and has been honoured to play for many esteemed first nations artists as well as playing lead guitar and singing backing vocals for the late Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter during their successful performance and recording career together.
David has also played key roles, in ground-breaking Aboriginal projects that have impacted powerfully in the sector, including co-musical director for the Black Arm Band and Yirramboi commission A Fight for Survival.
“David communicates his feelings beautifully – love; warmth; gratitude; sadness; yearning; and hope – through his songs and stories.”
- Jessica Nicholas Reviewer the Age
“David has the sweetest rhythms & he has a perfect ear on the guitar. His use of dynamics is simply brilliant.
He is one of the finest guitarists in Australia.” - The late Uncle Archie Roach AM
“David celebrates his life with courage, dignity and music, he shares these deeply personal moments. It is a celebration of the value of struggle, of fighting for a better world, and of the healing family and friends can bring to each other. David is giving something of incredible value to those willing to share an evening of music, reflection and celebration.” - Uncle Colin Hunter Jnr
I have known my nephew, David Arden, since he was a young boy but over the past three decades, we enjoyed a strong and meaningful musical relationship. David performed alongside myself and my late partner, Ruby Hunter, on and off over that time. He was an integral part of my live shows both in Australia and overseas and has been involved in many of my recording projects. David’s first love, aside from his family, has been writing songs and performing. He is extremely accomplished at both.
I would love for more people to hear David’s music and his songs.” - The late Uncle Archie Roach AM
“Dave Arden, who has made a tremendous contribution to the Australian Music Industry, and First Nations Music, for a long time, and has supported many up and coming First Nations Artists. Dave was a long-time collaborator and touring Artist with the late Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter over many years touring Australia and the world and has been such an integral part of the First Nations Community in creating opportunities for music aspirations of up-and-coming Artists that are pursuing careers in music.
He has also collaborated with many of Australia’s finest singer songwriters, such as Kutcha Edwards, Paul Kelly, Shane Howard, to name a few.” - Robert Bundle – Songlines Aboriginal Music Corporation
Venue: Auditorium
Duration: 60 minutes | no interval
Prices: Ticket $25 | Concession $23 | COPACC Members $18 | Mob Ticket $18

This project is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria
Wednesday, 22 October 2025 | 07:00 PM
- 08:00 PM
COPACC, 95-97 Gellibrand Street, Colac, 3250, View Map
95-97 Gellibrand Street ,
Colac 3250
95-97 Gellibrand Street ,
Colac 3250
Photo Gallery