CrossXpollinatioN 2024

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The exhibition is open daily from 

10am - 4pm

until Sunday, 14 July 2024!

Please also browse the Gallery Foyer to admire the wonderful Paper Bird Wishes school exhibition as well as the stunning pieces that did not quite make it into CrossXpollinatioN 2024.

The Gallery Space also features our Weaving in the round - web of secrets community art project, so make sure you grab a shuttle and help us create a community weaving masterpiece full of secrets.

CrossXpollinatioN 2024 Feature Artists:


Meaghan Shelton


Visual Artist Meaghan Shelton engages her trans disciplinary practice to address the ineffable aspects of female experience through the lens of traditional craft practice. Based in the Surf Coast Shire of Victoria, the artist draws from her own story, a fourth generation Irish- Scottish/ Anglo, Australian woman.

Relying on the evocation of memory within domestic spaces, her exploration of the craft/ fine art nexus challenges the connection between historical marginalization of art made by women and its hierarchical valuing of materiality.

Currently undertaking her Doctorate studies with Queensland University of Technology, Meaghan was the recipient of the Surf Coast Shire Covid Recovery Grant in 2021. Working alongside Lorne Community Connect she piloted and developed the new Lorne Artist in Residence program. Meaghan is currently working on her creative practice whilst writing her thesis amongst other projects including her upcoming curatorial role for Lorne Community Connect’s Easter photographic exhibition.

Michelle Mischkulnig


Michelle has been a textile artist for ever, colour and texture surround us in all we do, they are the essence of her textile art works.

She has taught and exhibited in Australia and internationally. Her textiles creations become art works that she currently sells through Seaview Gallery in Queenscliff.

Michelle has entered and won many prizes in art shows in the past but now purely enjoys a full creative life of designing and making whenever and whatever her heart desires - this includes wall art and art garments.

Michelle has also produced a lovely table top book full of her art images and words to explain how she sees the world.

Michelle loves teaching as she believe the skills she has acquired, being completely self taught should be shared and built upon by students. She feels it is important that as an artist she shares her creativity in hope that these skills can continually evolve and can inspire those that follow this journey.

Michelle's textile art works are not an actual depiction but rather places she has visited or wishes to visit, gardens she loves and wishes to discover, places of the heart and the joy of life.

Irene Pagram

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Irene Pagram's art embeds a personal narrative and a connection between us, our past, and our surroundings.

She is particularly interested in women's work, and in the environment. From India Flint she learnt to re-love natural dyes which she had experimented with many years earlier but abandoned for its dun-coloured sameness or use of toxic metal mordants to achieve brighter colours, often with copious amount of salt used as fixative.

Eco-dyeing repurposed fabrics with a renewable resources such as gum leaves or use of weed species and vegetable scraps, with the dye cauldron as mordant and fixative, sits well with her efforts to live in as sustainable way as possible.


1. "Secrets" Art Prize

The Art Prize is proudly sponsored by COPACC and the Colac Otway Shire Council and goes to Catherine O'Leary for her piece Fragile - congratulations Catherine!


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2. People's Choice Award 

Throughout CrossXpollinatioN, visitors are encouraged to vote for their favourite piece of work.
Votes are tallied at the close of CrossXpollinatioN and announced via our social media pages.
The People’s Choice Award is proudly sponsored by COPACC and the Colac Otway Shire Council and will be announced after the conclusion of the exhibition.

3. Tarndie Fibre Art Award

The Tarndie Fibre Art Award encourages artists to explore various types of wool as a medium.
Wool is a renewable and biodegradable material that easily fits the current move towards a circular economy. Properly cared for, wool pieces can last for generations and extend the longevity of the raw materials.

This year's Tarndie Fibre Art Award goes to Catherine O'Leary for her piece Secret Garden - congratulations Catherine!


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A big thank you to our sponsor Tarndwarncoort for their ongoing and generous support. 

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Who can enter and how do I enter?

Any individual or groups of artists can enter their artwork(s) via the entry form (to be released at a later date).

Please note:

  • all entries must be submitted online
  • 1 entry form per artwork
  • Multiple artworks by the same artist/group will require multiple entry forms

What can I enter?

Criteria 1: Artworks that show a large proportion of fibre or textile in their composition.
Criteria 2: Excellence and/or innovation in fibre and/or textile technique.
Criteria 3: The development of the ‘Secrets’ theme as evidenced in the artist statement, and its articulation in the artwork.

All entries are to be 3D in nature and will be displayed in the 'black box' theatre in the Civic Hall at COPACC.
The exhibition is lit with dramatic theatre lighting effects to enhance the artworks.
The space is ideal for larger 3D artworks (up to 4m x 4m).

Please note: All judging will be based on the photographs submitted. 

How much is the entry fee?

The entry fee is $25 per artwork and is non refundable.


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